Monday, March 14, 2011

The Fourth Reich

Hitler was a world class tyrant, but the evil actually done by the Third Reich, was all done by German citizens who were afraid to question if what they were told by their government was the truth or not, and who because they did not want to admit to themselves that they were afraid to question the government, refusing to see the truth, and following Hitler into national disaster.

The German people of the late 1930s imagined themselves to be brave. They saw themselves as heroic. But in truth, by the 1930s, the German people had become civilized and tamed, culturally obsessed with fine details in both science and society. Their self-image of bravery was both salve and slavery. Germans were required to behave as if they were brave, even when they were not.

It's easy to look back and realize how evil Hitler was. But at the time, Hitler looked pretty good to the German people, with the help of the media. He was TIME Magazine's Man Of The Year in 1938. The German people assumed they were safe from a tyrant. They lived in a Republic, after all, with strict laws regarding what the government could and more importantly could not do. Their leader was a devoutly religious man, and had even sung with the boy's choir of a monastery in his youth....

The American people imagine themselves to be brave. They see themselves as heroic. But in truth, by the dawn of the third millennium, the American people have become civilized and tamed, culturally obsessed with fine details in both science and society. Their self-image of bravery is both salve and slavery. Americans are required to behave as if they are brave, even when they are not.

The American people assume they are safe. They live in a Republic, after all, with strict laws regarding what the government can and more importantly cannot do. Their leader is a devoutly religious man....

It is the very nature of power that it attracts the sort of people who should not have it. The United States, as the world's last superpower, is a prize that attracts men and women willing to do absolutely anything to win that power, and hence are also willing to do absolutely anything with that power once they have it. If one thinks about it long enough, one will realize that all tyrants, past and most especially present, MUST use deception on their population to initiate a war.

No citizen of a modern industrialized nation will send their children off to die in a war to grab another nation's resources and assets, yet resources and assets are what all wars are fought over. The nation that wishes to initiate a war of conquest must create the illusion of an attack or a threat to start a war, and must always give their populations an excuse never to question that carefully crafted illusion.

It is naive to assume that tyrants appear only in other nations and that somehow America is immune simply because they're Americans. America has escaped the clutches of a dictatorship thus far only through the efforts of those citizens who have the moral courage to stand up and point out where the government is lying to the people.

Unless more Americans are willing to have that kind of individual courage, then future generations may well look back on the American people with the same harshness of judgment with which we look back on the 1930s Germans.

Rise Of The Fourth Reich:
The officers of the SS, Hitler's feared paramilitary unit, were the most notorious war criminals of WWII. Some were brought to justice after the war, but many were able to escape from Germany. A massive secret organization known as Odessa was reportedly formed to help them flee and rebuild a new Reich that would again rise to power. MysteryQuest will investigate by following the path of feared Nazis from Germany, to Austria, and Italy. The team will also travel to Paraguay where many of the Nazis reportedly hid while plotting their new rise.

Rise Of The Fourth Reich 1/2

Rise Of The Fourth Reich 2/2

The Rise of the Fourth Reich In America: Jim Marrs:

A Warning From Kennedy And Eisenhower - Rise Of The Fourth Reich:
This video highlights speeches made by Kennedy and Eisenhower about the ever present danger of government takeover by fascist forces from within.

It poses questions to current members of our armed forces as to whether they will stand up against such forces and defend the constitution to which they swore.

Brothers in arms, renew your vows to the constitution and take a stand against tyranny.

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The Vril Society

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